Years of
The second phase of National Civic Education Programme, Phase II (NCEPII) overall goal was to contribute to the consolidation of a vibrant democratic political culture in Kenya where groups and individuals would be aware of and fully exercise their rights and their responsibilities. Through this second phase, over ten million Kenyans were reached through civic education, which had meaningful long-term effects on several important dimensions; notably the cluster of orientations that were labeled Civic Competence and Involvement.
Individuals who were exposed to NCEP-II’ Uraia’s face-to-face activities were significantly more knowledgeable about politics, more efficacious generally and specifically in regard to the Constituency Development Fund, more participatory at the local level, more aware of how to defend their rights, and more informed about constitutional issues. There was also desirability of public involvement in the constitutional review process, than were similarly “matched” individuals who did not participate in NCEP-II Uraia activities. The Programme also mobilised a critical mass of CSO actors to participate in delivering civic education in the country, and engage in democratic reform agenda.