
92 Bowery St., NY 10013

+1 800 123 456 789


Uraia Trust is seeking the services of a consultant to assist in the development of the 2026 – 2030 Strategic Framework.

Uraia Trust is a facilitative national organisation whose mission is “To provide quality civic education and empower citizens to realize their constitutional aspirations.” 

Uraia’s mandate is set out in its constitutive instrument, the Trust Deed, and includes:

  1. Initiate, develop, manage, and monitor civic education and engagement in Kenya.
  2. Initiate, nurture, supervise, and coordinate groups that have been or will be formed for the purpose of promoting and developing the civic education program.
  3. Mobilise resources and develop partnerships to support gender-responsive civic education and engagement.
  4. Support the development objectives and or support the development of the organisational capacity of partners and or participating organisations supported by the Trust.
  5. Support public participation and engagement by Kenyan men and women in the programme of civic education either as initiators, trainers, and or trainees of gender-responsive civic education on all existing and emerging issues regarding but not limited to the Kenyan Constitution.
  6. Facilitate gender-responsive civic education and engagement through affirmative action of the youth, minorities, marginalized groups, and people with disabilities.
  7. Foster free and fair elections, and participation of men and women in the electoral processes by way of voter education, monitoring all electoral processes, and advocating for the democratic values of fairness, independence, integrity, credibility, openness, and accountability to all stakeholders, including the National Electoral Management Body.
  8. Nurture the spirit of nation-building amongst all institutions of governance including the three arms of Government and the general public in Kenya; and
  9. Ensure the provision of effective accountability mechanisms and enhance transparency, equity, and accountability in the Trust.

Uraia discharges this mandate through Strategic plans or frameworks with the current one being for the period 2021-2025. The current Strategic Framework, available on Uraia’s website, focused on the goal of “an empowered, engaged and values-based citizenry.”

The primary objective of the consultancy is to assist Uraia Trust to develop a robust Strategic Framework for the period 2026 to 2030, that is aligned to the Trust’s mandate and mission, and which earns the commitment and ownership of the Trust’s key stakeholders. 

For more information about the consultancy, please find the following documents:

  1. Request for proposals for Strategic Framework 2026-2030
  2. Terms of reference for Strategic Framework 2026-2030
  3. Strategic Framework 2021-2025