Years of
Feb 2019 – Mar 2024
Uraia Trust is currently implementing a three-year programme titled the Democracy, Governance and Human Rights Programmes (DGHRP) supported by DIAKONIA Sweden. The programme aims for improved transparency, accountability, and inclusivity in service delivery at the national and county level; and an empowered citizenry meaningfully engaging and demanding for transparency, accountability and integrity in service delivery.
The programme strategy is focused on strengthening the capacity of citizens/community formations on public participation and engagements in social accountability work (community score card, social audit, and budget tracking) to monitor public service delivery in the health and education sectors and increase public participation in governance processes.
Key Achievements:
- The programme has contributed to improved service delivery in health facilities in Tana River County through setting up and equipping maternity wing in Hola Referral hospital and Pumwani Health Centre.
- The programme has contributed to improved services at Early Childhood Education Centres (ECDs) in Tanariver county. Several ECD have been built and equipped with desks and learning materials for pupils use because of social accountability work by the community.

List of Implementing Partners
Implementing Partner | County | |
Tana River Peace, Reconciliation and Development (TRPRD) | Tana River |
There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning failure. – OLIVER SANDERO